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类型:日韩动漫 日本动漫  地区:日本  年份:2001 
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《秋之回忆 OVA》剧情简介
人生是一个逐渐妥协的过程。年轻的时候横冲直撞头破血流,然后从某一天开始,慢慢学会了去顺应长辈的期望,社会的规范和生活的压力,放弃了成为那个自己想成为的人。很多人把这个过程称为成熟,但其实你只是输掉了你的人生里最重要的一场战争。你要尽量投降得晚一点,撑得久一点,再久一点。私人别墅影院动漫在线观看Tomoya Mikami's life changed one day when his girlfriend Ayaka was hit by a car and killed on her way to meet Tomoya. He blamed himself for her death and never was the same after the accident. He began acting callously towards Yue and his other friends. Furthermore, every time Tomoya gets involved with a new girl, he sees images of Ayaka in his dreams. He decides he needs to find a way to say goodbye to his lost love once and for all, while dealing with several side romances at the same time.